Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Right Doctor

If you go to a retina specialist when you are having trouble with your eyes, chances are that Doctor will tell you the problem is your retinas.

I was having trouble with my eyes. My vision was decreasing, and I was having crippling headaches. Light bothered me and I was wearing sunglasses. I went to a retina specialist and he told me that I had macular degeneration. For a year I was “treated” by him for this incurable disease. My vision continued to deteriorate, and my headaches and sensitivity to light became worse.

In desperation I went to another Doctor. He was a Neuro Ophthalmologist. One look by him and he diagnosed me with an entirely different condition. He told me that I had a Pituitary tumor that was pressing on my optic nerve. Surgery followed, and my condition was cured.

We are having an economic crisis. The government is asking us to treat our Economy. The “Economic Doctor” that we are going to is a previous employee of a large bank holding company that engages in investment banking. He has diagnosed our current economic crisis as being caused by a “Banking Disease”. He feels that if we direct our attention to the Banking sector that we can cure our problems. He is asking us to wear sunglasses to treat our macular degeneration. He is treating the symptom, not the disease.

We need to go to another Doctor. We need to go to a Neuro Ophthalmologist to diagnose our REAL disease. We need to stop treating the symptoms and treat the disease. That doesn’t mean that we should stop wearing our sunglasses until the light no longer hurts our eyes. But it does mean that we need to address the underlying problem that is causing the light to hurt our eyes.


The task of creating new jobs is one that will have to be handled by our next President. It will be up to him to create an atmosphere conducive to the creation of jobs to replace the jobs that have been lost to cheap labor in other countries. It will be his task to design programs and conditions that will create new industries that will surpass what foreign countries are doing. I wish the next President, whoever he will be, much success in that task, as the future of the country that we will pass on to our children and grand children is at stake.

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